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Join our 6 million users who are shopping better from all their devices

Browse and buy from our desktop extension or use the Karma app to ensure you’re always getting the most out of your purchase.

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$5 cash
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2.3 million
mobile app users
avg order savings
50 million
items tracked

Here’s how it works

What makes Karma so good?

Karma lives in your browser

Karma’s browser extension meets you wherever you shop across the web.

Helps you plan your next purchases

Not ready to buy just yet? Save it for later with Karma’s browser extension and shop more mindfully. You can keep an eye on all your saved items in one place.

So you can buy at the right time

Karma uses clever technology to track if the price drops, or when it's back in stock, so you can buy at the right time.

And automatically finds you coupons at checkout

Karma automatically finds and applies the best coupon for you, so you know you get the best value every time.

Only on the mobile app

Unlock your credit cards benefits

Easily compare between the credit cards rewards to choose the best one to use at checkout

Scan to get the app

Our Mission

Empower you to make the right choices at the right time when you shop online.

Our members saving money with Karma. Here's why.

Don’t take our word for it

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